You ever just have one of those nights where no matter how tired and exhausted your body is, your brain just won't turn off to let you go to sleep? Last night was that night for me. I know a lot of people in the world deal with insomnia on a nightly basis but luckily I only get it when I have a lot going on in my head. It's almost like when a hamster is on a wheel and running; no matter how much you try to slow it down you just can't seem to get it to shut off.
I laid in bed for 45 minutes (of course my husband and cats were sound asleep next to me) trying to drift off to sleep. I counted sheep, re-adjusted my pillows, even put on a show that usually helps me drift off to dreamland (Dual's pretty interesting...go to Google and type it in to check it out) But no mattter what I did nothing worked (mind you it was 12AM).
Finally I decided to get up and head to my office. I sat there at my desk and pondered on what I could do to make myself go to sleep. I grabbed a binder and from start to finish worked on getting my husband's paperwork all set up for the V.A. Hospital. After tackling that I put in a load of laundry (got that folded and put away) and started on some dishes from dinner that I was going to let soak overnight. With my options running low and my brain still on high I started to clean the oven (yes no word of lie I said oven).
Maybe it was the chemicals from the cleaning products or maybe my "hamster" finally gave up the fight with the "wheel" but halfway through the cleaning my eyes started to get heavy. I picked up, washed my hands, and headed to bed. As I crawled into bed I looked at the clock: 4AM. My husband had to be up in 2 hours for an appointment at the V.A. I heard his alarm go off and didn't want to move, but I knew I had to.
So with only 2 hours of sleep here I sit writing this blog letting you become more familiar with me and my life's daily activities. Stay tuned because I'm sure this isn't the last time I'll be scrubbing when I should be sleeping. Have a good day all!
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